Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Day 31 - Photo Challenge - KAPA visit - an unexpected treat

The unexpected visit by my dear friend Kathleen from Washington just made my day! What a bright, alive, interesting young girl. Coffee and catch up on the deck, a visit to work to see old friends, a vigorous hike through Fairmount and back to my house for dinner!  And then, once again the dramatic end of the day in the sky at Manayunk!  I love when the course of a day is unexpected and unplanned and utterly delightful! 

Friday, August 26, 2011

Day 26 - Photo Challenge - Afternoon Theatre and fun with a 10 year old

The Coming of Irene is all the buzz.   So today I spent a lovely day at the theatre - a small classroom in a small church for a drama camp production of The Wizard of Oz.  Condensed, concise and magnificent!! After shedding her lion costum Haley and i were off for a day of 10 year old fun - shopping and pizza and icecream cones and just mindless fun! 

Grace's (Dorothy's) rubie slippers

Summer Harvet slowing down...

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Day 25 Photo Challenge - The Coming of Irene and horses and family and dogs.

I am so loving this photo challenge!  I am astounded that seeing life through the lens of camera makes you look for the beauty I may have otherwise missed... I stop in a flash to appreciate and photo anything I find beautiful, spontaneous and joyous and shouldn't we all do that everyday?

An earthquake on Monday and now Hurricane Irene.  Life is always exciting and threatening, isn't it?

I've worried have I given Freddie his "best life".  Why??? 
His  life IS pretty cushy!

I live in the city with the bucolic countryside right around the corner.  Lucky Gal I am!

2 Flirty Horses! Why didn't I bring carrots???

Beautiful Laura and her Dad and Pa! 

Aunt Ginny is in town..  She is an amazing lady!!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Day 22 and Day 23 Photo Challenge - Bored Oliver and Philadelphia Museum of Art

Day 22 - This dog of mine continually causes me to pause and go "awww"

                                                               Day 23 Off to the city.

                    It wasn't until this photo challenge that I have fully realized how beautiful Philadelphia is. 

Setting up to catch the sunset but he missed it. It was glorious!
Looking Upward

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Day 20 Photo Challenge - Stuck in Neutral all Day.

A day of Poor Returns - tried to contact neice - no luck.  Tried plans with a friend - never happened.  Attended book fair/music fair in nearby Pretzel Park - poor turnout.  It must have been the Gods saying, "Sit Still". So Oliver and I instead had a day of quiet contemplation and the day had an ethereal ending.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Day 19 Photo Challenge - No Friend like an Old Friend

 I met my dear old friend Karen for dinner and drinks in Chestnut Hill.  We caught up, we commiserated, we laughed and reminsced.  No friend like an old friend.  A great watermelon salad and drive home through a deluge of rain and everything put in perspective. The wonderful gift of old friends!!!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Day 18 Photo Challenge - Humdinger of a Thunder Lightening Storm

I got home from work tonight in time to catch the show off my back deck. Wow, what a show it was!! But poor Freddie was scared to death.  I couldn't get him out from under the desk.  Poor Baby.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Day 17 Photo Challenge - Kelly Drive

After a long stressful day today I took the dogs for a walk on Kelly Drive.  It was more relaxing than a glass of wine or a yoga class.  And then it lead to hooking up with an old friend who asked me to join her "Dragon Boat Club"  I'm in!!!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Day 15 Photo Challenge - Rainy Monday and a Laundry Room Floor

A perfect rainy day off as I relaxed and waited for men to finish my laundry room floor. Simple pleasures - a rainy day, a good book and a beautiful, newly-tiled, spanking-new, laundry room! 



Saturday, August 13, 2011

Day 13 Photo Challenge - An Ex Marine, A dog named Dakota and my dear friend Etta

The floor men cometh so off I had to go with the dogs.  We cruised the town where I met the ex marine with shoes like feet and leg tattoos like a map and his wonderful dog Dakota! I visited with Etta looking spry and beautiful as ever - glowing in fact!  She is the dog whisperer of Manayunk! My boys were thrilled to see her.  She tried to teach Freddie to sing!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Day 12 photo challenge - Late Night Family Get Together

So I sprinkle some vintage photos of family on the table.  I tweek them.
I twist them and then VOILA - a late night Family Get Together.
What a handsome group!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Day 11 Photo Challenge - Hikes and Puppets and Surprise Visits

A perfect day off to read and hike and putter when a puppet named Adrien Peterson arrived in the mail. Apparently Adrien is a school project for my nephew Joey.  He is to travel with me for a day or two. So travel and hike we did.  Then a late night visit from my old friend Eileen for catch up and snacks and laughs and photo ops with Adrien.



Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Day 10 photo Challenge - Manayunk

My Little Town of Manayunk looked beautiful thru the lens of a camera - The Manayunk Bridge, the Tow Path by the canal, art embedded in old walls, the Beautiful St. John's Cathedral.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Day 9 Photo Challenge - Early Morning Light

The Most Ridiculously Happy Flower

The Sun Rises in my Living Room.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Day 8 photo Challenge - Fairmount Park with Kevin

A day of chores with my nephew Kevin then off to the woods of Fairmount we went...

Mirror, Mirror ...

and Neck and Neck ....