Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Lately I've been thinking...

Lately I've been thinking...
that maybe I need more broadminded, intelligent, humble people in my life to share all that I believe is rich - hikes in the woods, classical music concerts, travel, politics, books - rich stuff, not the small stuff.

Maybe it's time I shed my fear of "going for it".  Maybe I should give it a go at being/doing what my heart desires - photography.  Maybe I should follow what my father always said, "You know I've always thought you should be a photographer".

Maybe I can never have the character and goodness and intelligence of my father, but maybe his passing will make me try a little harder, in the hopes of maybe someday, coming close.

Maybe when the raw pain of losing the man I loved most in the world has dulled, I will rally to celebrate his memory by enriching and actualizing and celebrating the very best of what I can be.

And maybe that is the biggest tribute I can pay my father.

And in the end, that will be the greatest gift he gave me.

Dad, I will miss and honor and love you til the day I die