Sunday, June 23, 2013


It is hard to believe half a year has gone by since we said goodbye to Dad.  In some ways, it seems so long ago since we heard his husky quiet laugh or enjoyed his warm, easy, interested company, with even the sound of his voice, becoming a distant memory.  But in other ways it seems like just yesterday that a constant in our lives, the glue of the family, the leader of the band, was abruptly and quickly, yet elegantly and with great grace, taken from us forever.  

We all joined to say a final goodbye - with our last Father's Day with Dad - at his sacred ground - Peace Valley Park in Bucks County, Pa.


The raw sting of his loss, with time, has since been replaced by a quiet ache and a forever daily reminder of the man.  The event was as Mom said, just what Dad would have enjoyed - A pleasant Family Picnic. 

Young and old gathered -
Varied Pups wandered -
Way too much food was offered -
The weather - a pleasant balmy breezy Sunday afternoon.
The mood - respectful of event - but not morose and maudlin.

When bikers and walkers had passed - we gathered quietly to scatter some ashes by the waters edge.
A poem sent from Cathy was read by my sister Connie -

                And did you get what you wanted from this life, even so?
                                I did.
                And what did you want?
                               To call myself beloved,
                               To feel myself  beloved on the earth
                                                      - Raymond Carver
Our glasses were raised for a toast to a great man and a loving, kind father...

Beloved You Were Dad! 
We Love You
And for just one more time -
Happy Father's Day!   

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